
Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Agris mundus Program. ( )

The AGRIS MUNDUS Masters Course is a product of NATURA - "Agricultural (Tropically and sub-tropically oriented) Universities and scientific complexes Related with Agricultural development".

A two years training for agricultural development and management of natural resources, which facilitates the training of the students and international cooperation and it is based on mobility of students.
The double degree will be delivered by two Research and Higher Education Institutes of the European Union:

Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR)Wageningen (Netherlands)

Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL)Copenhagen (Denmark)

University of Cork (UC)Cork (Ireland)

Universita'degli Studi di CataniaCatania (Italy)

Universidad Polytéchnica de MadridMadrid (Spain)

Centre National d'Etudes Agronomiques des Régions ChaudesMontpellier (France)


The Agris Mundus consortium also integrates a broad range experience of the partners which facilitates the training of the students and international cooperation. The Agris Mundus is based on a two-year programme of 120 ECTS (European Credits Transfer System). Students attend the first year in one university (University 1) and the second one in a second university (University 2). Optional choices are proposed to the students, in order to take into consideration both their previous personal experience of scientific background and their own training objectives. In addition to the regular programme, the Agris Mundus students will attend a common Orientation week before commencement of the academic 1st year and a common Research Metodology Workshop at the beginning of the second year.
Figure 1: Training programme
The first year includes 5 optional choices for University 1 (60 ECTS). Each first year programme leads up to two optional choices (at least) for the second year (University 2, 30 ECTS). The second semester of the second year is devoted to the Master thesis (30 ECTS). This thesis is defended in front of a mixed jury (University 1 and University 2).
Figure 2: Training combinations
Teaching languages
English, French, Spanish, Italian, according to possible combinations between University 1 and University 2.


These specialisations are "problem oriented" rather than "disciplinary oriented". They respond to the capacity building needs of thematic development projects or research institutes in tropical countries, for which a specialised competency is needed, while combining the technical know-how with social and economical perspective.
Land and Water Management
Horticultural Crops Management
Tropical Rural Forestry
Livestock Systems Management
Human Nutrition and Food Systems
Rural Local Development
Agricultural Systems Research and Development
Students will be awarded two nationally recognized masters degrees (diplomas of University 1 and University 2), together with a specific NATURA Masters degree in Sustainable Development in Agriculture, and a joint diploma supplement.
Number of students: 50 per year (ratio staff/student: approximately 1:2)

The Agris Mundus masters course is supported by the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union.
Scholarships for non-Eurpean selected candidates are offered. The amount is 21000 Euros per year which should cover the living costs, transportation costs and subscription fees
The Agris mundus consortium and the European commission select who receives an Erasmus Mundus scholarship

Secretariat CNEARC BP 5098 F-34033 Montpellier CEDEX, France Clotilde Sauboa Email:

Other Erasmus Mundus Master courses in agriculture and rural development:
International MSc in Rural Development: a two years training in integrated rural development
In two to seven countries of the European Union
Specialised training:
Agricultural Economics and Food Economics for Developing Countries;
Agro-environmental systems and Specialised Methodologies for Rural Development
Territorial Rural Development and Processes and Technologies for Sustainable Rural Development
Rural Governance of Natural Resources and Institutional Analysis of Rural Change
Public Administration and Regional Development
Food, Communication and Sustainable Rural Development
Rural Sociology

Teaching languages: English, French, Spanish (see website for possibilities)
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